
collect Opal 4.7 Released

We are pleased to announce that Opal 4.7 is now available. Opal is OBiBa’s core data management application for biobanks.

In this release, new features are related to the two-factor authentication procedure:

  • 2FA enforcement - Opal: enforce 2FA usage to users from local user registry (administrator and users managed by Opal).
  • 2FA enforcement - Agate: if 2FA is enforced in Agate (requires version 2.10 or later), Opal will handle the QR image sent by Agate for the 2FA secret key registration.

Note: this version deprecates usage of the "Opal SQL" database schema type. Either use "Tabular SQL" or MongoDB databases. Starting from Opal 5.0, the "Opal SQL" schema will not be supported. The project backup/restore service can be used for the migration (available from the project administration page or using the R/Pyhton libraries).

This release was possible thanks to the funding of the Leiden University Medical Center - LUMC .